Infusion Room

Optimized Healthcare Environment for Enhanced
Patient Comfort and Safety

Infusion RoomOneScreen
Infusion Room
Red PlanetRed PlanetRed Planet

Introducing OneScreen Infusion Room

OneScreen Infusion Room embodies our commitment to patient-centered care in oncology. Designed with input from healthcare professionals and patients, our infusion rooms prioritize comfort, safety, and efficiency, to create the best setting for chemotherapy administration.

Patient-centered Design

Our infusion rooms are crafted to maximize patient comfort with ergonomic chairs and a soothing atmosphere, helping reduce anxiety during treatment.


Each room features integrated smart systems for real-time monitoring of patient vitals and seamless communication with medical staff.

Advanced Safety

Equipped with state-of-the-art air filtration systems, we ensure a sterile environment to prevent infections and cross-contamination.

Enhancing the Infusion Experience

Personalized Care Stations

Individual multimedia systems allow patients to engage in leisure activities during treatment, providing a distraction from the procedure.

Flexible Space Configuration

Adaptable room layouts accommodate various medical equipment and personnel needs, ensuring efficient movement and workflow.

Eco-friendly Operations

Using energy-efficient systems and sustainable materials, we affirm our responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

Infusion Room

Comprehensive Care Integration

Seamless System Connectivity

Our rooms are designed for interoperability with OneScreen health solutions, ensuring comprehensive care coordination from pharmacy to bedside.

Patient Empowerment

We provide patients with access to educational resources about their treatment, fostering an informed and engaged approach to their health journey.

Beyond Treatment

Healing Environment

Incorporating elements of biophilic design, our rooms offer views to nature and access to natural light, promoting recovery and well-being.

Community Support Spaces

Designated areas for family members and caregivers support the emotional well-being of patients, recognizing the importance of a strong support network.

Infusion Room

OneScreen Solutions Ecosystem Components

OneScreen Solutions Ecosystem Components

OneScreen Onco includes solutions for chemotherapy, algorithms and modern software.

a white machine with a yellow and blue sign on it

OneScreen Onco

Safe and smart technology

a machine that has some wires attached to it

OneScreen Nutri

Proven TPN compounding technology

a chair and a lamp on a black background

OneScreen Turnkey Solutions

Cost-effective turnkey solution for quality oncology care