OneScreen Nutri TPN Workflow: Optimizing for Efficiency and Accuracy

Smart and safe technology

Standard process workflow

Image of Doctore

Detailed Patient Profile Integration

Begin with comprehensive integration of patient nutritional data into OneScreen Nutri, focusing on individualized care from the start through precise profiling.

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Expert-Driven Formulation Development

Use the insights of clinical nutritionists to craft individualized TPN solutions, enhancing each formulation with speed and accuracy for the best health outcomes.

a pink button with a white button on it

Ingredient Quality Assurance

Adopt a dual-level quality check including synchronous gravimetric control and barcode validation to ascertain the accuracy of TPN compounding that reinforces patient safety.

a purple button with white dots on it

High-Speed Precision Compounding

Integrate high-velocity automated compounding that ensures rapid and exact preparation of TPN solutions, reducing human error and boosting operational efficiency.

a green square with a white logo on it
a machine that has some wires on it

Streamlined Order and Preparation Process

Use OneScreen Nutri’s automation and NutriSoft for efficient TPN solution preparation management, ensuring precise and timely fulfilment of patient-specific needs.

Controlled Administration Process

We provide the training and support to facilitate the TPN administration process, ensuring best care without the need for real-time tracking mechanisms.

a green circle with three circles on it

Responsive Nutritional Adjustment

Maintain a dynamic adjustment protocol for TPN regimens, allowing for real-time updates based on patient feedback and clinical assessments.

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Iterative Process Improvement

Foster a culture of continuous improvement by integrating clinician and patient insights into the TPN formulation process to elevate the care standard.

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OneScreen Solutions Ecosystem Components

OneScreen Solutions Ecosystem Components

OneScreen Onco includes solutions for chemotherapy, algorithms and modern software.

a white machine with a yellow and blue sign on it

OneScreen Onco

Safe and smart technology

a machine that has some wires attached to it

OneScreen Nutri

Proven TPN compounding technology

a chair and a lamp on a black background

OneScreen Turnkey Solutions

Cost-effective turnkey solution for quality oncology care